

Early this morning I sent off Aubrey and Jordan's wedding announcement to the printer of their choice. Once I arrived to work, I received word that there was a bit of a miscommunication that caused a brief catastrophe concerning the invites. We got it all sorted out in the end, but it made for a slightly hectic morning. By lunchtime we were off celebrating Caroline's birthday and my other co-worker, Pam, even gave me a gift on this day centered around birthdays. This, this sugar free, lemon square-flavored Extra gum is by far the best gum I've ever had. It tastes like lemon-flavored starburst, but like the flavor of the starburst got older and wiser and tastier. It is also good to note here that my grandpa would have been 93 years old today. What a day filled with birthdays young and old, and presents gum and gold.

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