

This is my 93-year-old grandpa with his 92-year-old wife, my sweet sweet grandma. We made our way to their house today with my little sister and her fiancĂ©. My dad has been staying here for the weekend to help my grandma take care of my grandpa. Last week my grandpa went in for a biopsy after his past couple of months of kidney stones and liquid-filled lungs. They found out that he has cancer called lymphoplasmacydic lymphoma—cancer of the lymph system that is not agressive, but after much time attacks the bone marrow. The doctor said it was something my grandpa has probably had for years; they call it "old man's cancer." If my grandpa was younger they would treat it, but since he is so old they're just going to ride it out. It's a little bit weird to think that my grandpa is that old and one day won't be here. You could tell tonight that he was in a lot of pain, but his spirits were still as high as ever. In the photo he is talking to my cousin on the phone—he asked my grandpa how my grandma was doing (not knowing he was on speaker) and my grandpa calmly responded, "Oh she's just as mean as ever." I adore these two to bits!

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