

I got home from work and worked a little more on the projects I need to get done for Suzanne. To my surprise there was a knock at the door and Tyler's mom and sister were standing in the doorway. They came in and we discussed a couple of the things I was working on. Suzanne also brought us some pizza coupons and Nicole brought these delicious mounds of joy. These, my friends, are cookies made out of few ingredients: oats, chocolate chips, mint chips, and bananas. They were a bit of an experiment, so there weren't that many on the plate. Tyler got home after 10 p.m. from work and was in a whirlwind of hurry to get a paper submitted by midnight. Suzanne and Nicole left shortly after he got home and I managed to snarf down every last morsel of these. (Tyler wasn't as into them as I was, so he let me have the majority. I can't tell if that was a bad thing or not—ALL FOR ME, NONE FOR YOU!)

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