

I woke up super early this morning—well, attempted to—in order to help my dear friend Stephanie move out of her parents' abandoned house to her new apartment. It rained all morning as we moved things from the house to the moving truck (all of her siblings were moving things out of the house too).  As people were saying yea or nay to various things I noticed this gigantic polished wood clock with embedded jade gems for the numbers. I proceeded to ask if it was a family heirloom… waited for the laughter and then asked if I could snatch it up if no one else wanted it. SCORE—it came home with me. Before it literally came home I met up with Tyler's mom to go shopping for Nicole's birthday bash tomorrow. The men went to the priesthood session of General Conference while we scoured the racks for clothes, accessories and shoes. SUCCESS—we found everything for Nicole in one store. After our shopping trip she treated me to some Cafe Rio while we caught up on all that has happened lately. Now that this baby is home, I realize its heavy, almost two-foot self will never hang in this apartment; its permanently fastened three-inch bolt would plow down our sheetrock like a vertical plantation being tilled for the season. It is so heavy, but so essential to our unofficial clock collection.

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