

After church today, Tyler and I made our way over to my parents' house to work on the program for my grandpa's funeral. The mortuary provided a sheet for the family to fill out the night they came to retrieve the body. It feels as though this isn't real, but at the same time it feels like it happened so long ago. I learned some things I didn't know before about my grandpa and even the Duncan side of the family. The front of the of the program is a photo of my grandpa that captures his persona to a tee. The inside cover lists the above facts along with the pall bearers and an engagement photo of my grandparents with my grandpa's favorite scripture—something I learned. The facing page had a Salt Lake Temple watermark with the program listed out. The back is the best part… it listed all of his children and grandchildren with their spouses. So interesting to see a long list of all of the names and even the total stats: 9 children, 61 grandchildren, 164 great-grandchildren, 4 great-great-grandchildren—the coolest thing by far that I learned. Amazing that all that came from two people, right?

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