

This morning started off much too early—we drove to the airport to meet my sister and her little family off the plane. They will be staying with her in-laws, so our family got to pick them up. We greeted them to find Charlie as big as ever and Duncan taking to Tyler like they've been best buds forever. We met up at my parents' house for some visiting and these little surprises. A while back Sara sent me some links for some jewelry to get my opinion for Aubrey's birthday. I told her I'd be happy to pay her back for this cuff and red dot studs if it meant her shipping would go down… and it did. After a Rich visit, Tyler and I made our way home to deep clean the crap out of our apartment. We want it to be spiffy and sparkly for when we give a tour to the soon-to-come-to-town Cramers. We. Can't. Wait.

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