

My brother-in-law, Steve, and I have a lot in common. I look up to him quite a bit because he was my first brother(-in-law) and in a little-sister-kind-of-way I always want to do what he is doing. It also helps that ever since I was 15 he thought I was so cool when no one else did; I beam with delight that he still thinks I am cool. When he and my sister and their cute family were here last week, he asked me why I don't use my DSLR anymore. Let me back up and say that he has amazing photography skills, and of course they are all self taught (he's such a renaissance man). It was no surprise that I got a tad embarrassed when he asked me—since getting my iPhone a year and half ago I have completely transitioned over to iPhonography. Tonight after work I pulled out my dusty DSLR, the very camera that inspired me to start my now three-year photo-a-day excursion. I've missed it, but in a way I've kind of forgotten the ways of the manual camera. I took some photos of various objects in our apartment to sort of retrain my brain and I am quite rusty.

1 comment:

  1. Wanna go exploring sometime and take pictures? Go some where we haven't really been before and take pictures.. I miss taking pictures. I have been out of the photography world for too long!
