

While Tyler was at his second day of training for his new job, I tried to get a start on the advice book for Aubrey and Jordan's wedding present. I printed out the many pages of advice from the Google doc that was completed as of last night and cut them into strips. I sorted them by family and then paper-clipped them into categories. After work, Tyler dropped off Aubrey and Jordan's announcement to his parents' house and then dashed home to get ready for the live endowment of my baby sister. We met my dad, the Picketts, and my cousin Danny in the lobby of the Jordan River Temple. We got dressed and attended the session with five other live endowments. I was able to sit with my mom and Aubrey. I noticed halfway through that I couldn't find Jordan. I found out later that he had been sitting up front because he had sprained his ankle (note the crutch in the photo). After the session we took a plethora of photos outside of the temple and met up for Chinese food at Jasmine Cuisine with Jordan's family, my dad, and my cousin Danny.

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