

Work was a smidgen more stressful than usual for me today, as well as Tyler's work day. We were both so glad to be home so we could couch-potato the night away. We skyped with Tiffany and Steve for a couple of hours and cracked up until our screens froze and our sides split. Afterwards we had our usual spaghetti and LOST watching. Before the night was over it was time for the unveiling of my ear holes. Yes, I got my ears pierced at 23—it was never a big deal when I was little. I found these earrings at the Bijou Market a couple of months back and on a spontaneous whim, decided to pierce my ears for them. Little did I know, I would have to wait 6 weeks. Finally, the patience is over and my ears are cheerful and bright.

1 comment:

  1. Love the earrings! You make them look good! I thought you were going to say..."little did I know I would have 8 more pairs a few weeks later."

    And thanks for skyping with us!

    {Love} the blog! We Marylanders are big fans of staying in touch!
