Only sickie news to report here: day five on the couch and I think I'm on the downhill of it all. I've basically watched everything on Netflix and my brain hurts from trying to find the solution for this logo for work. After work hours I watched Funny Face (first time—thanks Netflix) and I've been getting crazy far in Paper Mario Sticker Star (a Nintendo 3DS game that Tyler and I have been playing simultaneously on his new purple ombre Christmas present—thanks for sharing honey).
Remember that logo/presentation we had to go back to the drawing board for? That's all I did today, well, that and laid on this couch sneezing and blowing my nose all the day long. Oh and I did a little bedtime reading in preparation for the upcoming catalogue season: oh J.Crew, your style guides make me swoon ever so.
Remember all that sick business I was sporting over the weekend? Well it finally hit the fan; I went into work today and was sent home because I was as sick as a dog. The rest of the day I constantly blew my nose, watched Netflix and tried to keep my lips, nose and body hydrated. Tyler came home and took such good care of me, waiting on me hand and foot. Ugh, being sick is pretty much the worst.
WEIGH-IN RESULTS: None. I cancelled due to the obvious reason. Here's to next week.
I always enjoy a good freebie—who doesn't? A paper boutique based out of Venice, CA was sending these cute little postcards out to anyone that wanted one for only a penny (okay so technically not a freebie, but pretty close). I got it in the mail today and loved every aspect of it from the mint envelope with the oversize address label sealed with washi tape to the lovely hand-lettered 'Two Thousand & Thirteen' filling this brown textured postcard. Mmm, I would so be in heaven at a paper boutique—I must go to there.
While at the grocery store last night Spencer bought some apples that Nikki needed for today. She sent us a text this morning asking if we could meet up after church at the point of the mountain to exchange them. We both got out of church at 4 p.m. so it was decided we'd meet around 6 p.m. While walking home from church it began to snow; we had no idea how big of a storm it would turn out to be. We got into the car closer to six and received word that they were running late as well. The roads were treacherous and there were so many accidents along the way. We finally met up at IKEA and stopped for two people on the way home who were in need of assistance. I'm so glad to be home safe and that we experienced no harm in the return of the apples.
Happy Australia Day! Tyler had to go to work today and I seem to have woken up quite sick this morning with every cold symptom in the book (except coughing, thankfully). After sleeping more of the day away, I got a text from my dear cousin Nikki asking if they could come for a visit, but alas I was pretty sick and Tyler was at work. One texting conversation later it was decided that they would make the drive up (they even offered to bring us dinner from Zupas and they did; they are our very best friends). It was also decided that it would be a surprise for Tyler that they would be making the visit. He came home late from work and as soon as he walked in I blasted Men At Work's Down Under. Then Nikki and Spencer jumped out holding Jade and Tyler's didgeridoo and boomerang that he brought home from his mission. Tyler and Spencer then went to the grocery store to pick up some very Australian drinks: ginger beer (my new favorite) and peachees while we watched The Lorax. Tyler tried to find Tim Tams—another Australian favorite—last night and the nearest place they were sold was Idaho Falls, boo. Turns out Nikki and Spencer tried to look for them to surprise us, but had no luck. That's okay, we just topped the night off with some fairy bread—another dessert only known to Australians.
NOT-SO-FUN FACT: Exactly one year ago today Tyler was in his car accident. Glad that's behind us and that he is so safe and sound.
What do you think about that name? I've always thought it was hilarious—'schooledlunch'. So funny in fact that I have been thinking of using it in the future for the name of my freelance business. I have decided this year to make a better effort to get my freelance off the ground; there is so much to do and it is incredibly overwhelming. Tonight I took some time to think about the branding of it all while Tyler had another late night. I think I've got a great direction and it's got me all sorts of excited.
I have needed a new computer for a long while now. Between the bulging battery, the dodgy track pad, the nonexistent battery life and the slower than molasses processor, it's a wonder I haven't gotten a new one until now. I found a program on the Apple website that sends you all the packing materials for your laptop to be sent to them and, depending on how much your computer is worth, they'll send you an Apple gift card loaded with its worth ready for purchasing your next lappy. I'll be computer-less for a bit, but it will be so worth it when my new one arrives. So long sucker!
That presentation I had today went semi-okay, but the consensus after the meeting was that we basically have to go back to the drawing board because everyone liked parts of the three logos and all three of the people in the meeting liked a different logo (this is why we need an art director). I got home after a bit of a draining day and waited for Tyler to come home. His hours have been pretty crazy this semester and it's not unusual for him to get home close to 11 p.m. One day we'll have similar enough schedules that we'll be able to spend more than an hour a day, awake, together—yes? (Don't you just love this clock? It's part of our super rad clock collection; come visit sometime to see).
WEIGH-IN RESULTS: -2; we're getting there. December really did a number on my weight-loss goals.
Today was a little bit the worst—Tyler had to go in to work, but had no school. I didn't have to go to work, but I have a huge presentation tomorrow that I basically worked all day on. My computer kept freezing and my brain would not let the creative juices flow, so let's just say Tyler was helping me cut and paste these presentation boards late into the night. Aside from that, I took a small break from the little stress cloud around my computer to pose for a couple of spectacle diversity shots (seeing how it's Martin Luther King Jr. Day and all). There was a deal on coastal.com that you could get your first pair of glasses free and just pay for shipping, so I got this grey unisex pair and these cute ombre peach ones. They definitely put a smile on my face—now back to work.
After church today we decided it was time to finally take down our Christmas tree. We put it up on December 1 and boy do I remember how many times we strung and re-strung those lights to get them just right. I also remember how many times I changed the placement of the ornaments: shiny, matte and glitter red, green and gold; not to mention the different sizes. Our Christmas tree could not reflect more how OCD Tyler and I are. So it took us all morning to put up and only twenty minutes to take down. Luckily I snapped this picture to reference next year—it will be a breeze.
Isn't he just the most handsome-est man you've ever laid eyes on? Tyler and I have been talking as of late about how 'the part' has come back for men. As in, it's the cool thing to do instead of the nerdy thing to do. I have been begging all week to try it out on him (he thinks he can't pull it off), so he let me wait until a day where he didn't have to see loads of people. Today, Saturday, the day he let me part his hair. I LOVE it… of course, I'm biased, but I'd like to think I have a stylish eye for men's hair fashion (oddly).
So the day after Christmas—remember that? The day that we got locked out of our apartment and waited for an hour for the landlord in the freezing cold. The day that we went to the DMV and finally updated my driver's license after many failed attempts. The day that we went to the new Museum of Natural History for my mom's birthday. Yes, that day. Well here are the fruits of that day delivered in an envelope: my brand new Mrs. Lynch license. How crazy different do I look from my 16-year-old self? (I promise my handwriting is better than that; I also know that there is an 'e' at the end of my name… obviously).
We try to do laundry around here on a regular basis (like a good neighbor). Since it is just the two of us we wait until the hamper is overflowing so we can have a full load and not waste water (right Smokey?). While folding the mounds and mounds of laundry today (and watching my guilty pleasure: Pretty Little Liars on Hulu) I found this one sock. I have no idea where its mate is; I also have no idea how you can do all of the laundry and still be left with one. C'mon karma… give me this one.
Some pretty exciting things have been happening at work. I'm 90% sure that one of my very best graphic designer friends will be hired at my company soon (cross your fingers everyone). So when my creative manager pulled me into a nearby office to chat, I thought it was about the status of the new hire. Before I knew it she was telling me how great of a job I had been doing through all the changes and massive work load and ended with those ended with those four sweet little words: you. got. a. raise. I was ecstatic the rest of the day; last time something major happened at my job I got Chinese for Tyler to break the news. I got home and danced around as I cleaned the apartment for his arrival (I even snapped some happy faces and posted that I had news waiting for Tyler on Facebook/Instagram; everyone thought I was pregnant). Things didn't go according to plan and somehow Tyler beat me home so I made him wait in the bedroom while I hand-lettered the announcement. I'm still grinning from ear to ear; it's not a huge raise, but it's a great accomplishment. And I believe I've created a terrific tradition; Chinese, you can do no wrong.
Nobody ever makes a big deal about half birthdays… unless you're me. I adore half birthdays; why wouldn't you indulge in the idea of having two birthdays a year? I mean from the time you're born to the time you're three everyone is freaking out about how many months you are (not years) and all that you've accomplished from the six months previous… why not keep that going until your old age? So, tonight Tyler and I went to Chili's to celebrate his first week of school and my age ascension from twenty-four to twenty-four and a half. We came back to our apartment for a very late night cookie party involving my one cookie love affair with mint and chocolate.
WEIGH-IN RESULTS: -2; I probably gained it all back though from our celebratory night. But hey, you only turn twenty-four and a half once, right?
Do you want to know the reason I have been so stressed at work? This darn little thing that has been haunting my dreams and terrorizing my work days: the Miche Spring 2013 Catalogue. We finally sent it to print a couple of weeks ago and the printer brought in the finished product today. Of course as soon as it is received, everyone delves into it and immediately finds errors, typos and issues of all sorts. This catalogue was a beast; each of the two graphic designers I work with had massive projects of their own to take care of, so I was dubbed the keeper of the catalogue. In turn, every error, typo, color correction and photo issue felt like they were all personally my fault. But, as I have been told many times today, I cannot take them personally. The next one will be better, we can only learn from these mistakes, it's not really your fault… blah blah blah. On a lighter note, here is my favorite spread (Do you notice anything different? We mixed the sizes and I love it).
Aren't these the best? I got them yesterday after the luncheon (wedding swag/extra centerpieces) vase and all. Tyler and I had plans to go over to Duncanville after church so that my Dad could help us out with FAFSA. Once we arrived, Aubrey, her boyfriend Jordan and my parents were sitting in the kitchen Skyping with my sister. As soon as we walked in, my mom told them to tell us the good news—they were engaged! Holy cannoli, weddings happening everywhere. The date has been set for June 22, 2013; can you believe it? My baby sister is getting hitched!
Tyler and I braved the snowy roads for a wedding this morn. We arrived a tad late, but it seemed that the parents of the groom, Tyler's aunt and uncle, were running even more late. This was my second temple sealing; I can never get enough of what the sealer has to say. I find this mostly has to do with the fact that my own wedding day was a blur. The pictures outside the temple were terribly frigid and the constant wind that swirls around the Draper Temple didn't help either, but the newlyweds were glowing. We attended the wedding luncheon and returned home for a much needed nap. That night we drove to Bountiful for the reception filled with delicious food, toasts, dancing and sparklers. Oh happy day to you Andy and Erin.
I'm not going to lie—being boss-less is kind of the greatest. Our team just takes care of each other: we help out when it is needed whether it is work related or not. We also all understand that when a storm is brewin' it is best to just work from home, and that is exactly what I got to do today. It came down in a consistent flurry all day long, and halfway through I went outside to snap it in action. These berry bushes sit outside our complex; they never seemed to die this winter—mostly just shriveled up under the weight of the snow.
I could not get out of bed this morning…
It has become obvious that I have not been getting enough rest due to the super stress work has been causing me. I woke up so late this morning that I was able to feel the sun flood our basement apartment bedroom with light. Now that's late. I some how managed to get ready and make it to work before lunch (yeah, that late). The rest of the day was all a blur; is it the weekend yet?
I ordered a couple of things online just after Christmas because there were some killer deals on a few things I've had my eye on. One of them was this lovely clearance pair of suede heels from shoemint.com. I couldn't decide on a color, but when I opened up the box (lovely packaging, by the way) I could not have been more ecstatic at what lay before me. They are extremely high, but the strap is a great reinforcement for balance. I swooned at the details and I even noticed how greatly they'll compliment a new fuchsia sweater I found super marked down at Target. The box awaiting my arrival on the porch after work was such a pleasant surprise to this mundane Tuesday.
WEIGH-IN RESULTS: +3.75; I gained a total of 7.75 pounds from the beginning of December to now. Not bad, considering I didn't try very hard. Time to get back on the horse though.
Work has been terribly cold as of late. I mean, just look at my nails—purple to the bone. People have started bringing blankets and heaters, can you blame them? In other news, Tyler started his very first day of school today at the University of Utah (if I were a cooler wife, his face would be the subject of this post instead of my chilly digits). In other, other news, Tyler has finals on his birthday… shocker. He always has a final on his birthday! I look forward to the year he doesn't run into that problem so we can properly celebrate it.
Tyler and I have been serving in our ward's nursery for almost a year. Over the past ten months we accumulated fifteen little tots to watch and teach. Today the three-year-olds moved up to primary status, leaving only four little chil'ens to have on our watch. It was quite strange to have all of the leaders outnumber the tykes. Every week we bring home the sippy cup lids to wash; having fifteen is a bit of a chore when you don't have a dishwasher. Now that we have four, it's a snap.
Tyler had to go into work today; of course, he'll be going into work every Saturday for a while. I did some housework here and there, which included clearing off our cork board. By Christmas time it was covered to the brim with wedding announcements, Christmas cards, birth announcements and thank-you cards. We felt very loved, but it began getting out of control when papers were getting bent every time we went to change the laundry. So, now the slate has been cleaned… start sending in your submissions to be featured on our wall. We're not picky, we'll feature all who submit. Offer ends 12/31/13.
Yes, that is exactly what you think it is. Between being sick, forgetful, not having my pants fit and extremely emotional as of late, we decided to get out the magic wand. Unfortunately, this was not the cause of all the above symptoms I have been experiencing. I guess my weak stomach is acting up, my brain is turning to mush, the holidays clearly did a number on my waist line and I've become undeniably emotional during Cake Boss.
Do you ever wake up in a semi-rush to get to your destination, get there with confidence that you nailed it, only to realize at the end of the day that you weren't as on-your-game as you thought you were? I was a victim to this exact thing this today. I packed some workout clothes last night to work up a mad sweat with Stephanie today after work. Once at her house, I realized my clothes were not in my car, even though I distinctly remember putting them in that morning… I think. I have been quite forgetful for the past bit, so forgetful that you think you're going crazy. So here is the proof that I am going crazy; I walked in, and there lay my work out bag, right by the door.
Well that was fun.
I woke up pretty sick this morning and ended up staying home to work from my bed. I don't know what's wrong with me, only that I have the stomachache of the century (been getting a lot of those as of late). I did manage to get some laundry done, but not much else other than what was accomplished on my computer. Once Tyler was home we had a lazy night on our couch, drinking Dr. Pepper from fancy goblets and ignoring one mountain of laundry staring us down. Happy first day back to real life.
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