

Ta-da! Aren't our costumes great? We really can't take all the credit; we had so much outside help, that really our only contribution is how dashingly good looking our faces are. It all started when my cousin, Nikki, said she was going as the Morton Salt girl and her husband was going as the Cracker Jack boy. Seeing how we were going to the same party, we decided to be a group costume and spent the whole evening trying to come up with the best family product food icons that we could emulate. They really turned out better than we imagined and were a hit everywhere we went.



Tomorrow is Halloween… Oh! You forgot? Well then, it's a good thing you read this blog daily and I reminded you. Goodness, what a tragic catastrophe I saved you from by reminding you of this annual occurrence of dressing up as abnormally as possible. Speaking of dressing up, Tyler's mom was a doll and whipped up two key pieces for my outfit tomorrow (speaking of two: I lost two pounds today, YEET!). One day I will own a sewing machine and master the techniques of her ninja-like Halloween sewing skills. Until that day, I will commission all my sewing needs to be done by broadcasting pleas through the interwebs. Another special 'thank-you' goes out to my little sister for curling my hair tonight (I'm also lack in the hair curling department along with my inability to sew lovely things).



This is the front and side view of the battery in my MacBook Pro… it's one hundred years old in Apple years. Many moons ago the battery life in my computer went caput, as in it would die instantly if it were ever unplugged. Not a terrible problem; definitely a first-world one at that. For my birthday that year my father got me a brand spankin' new battery, one filled with computer juices to the brim. I could use it unplugged for hours on end. Then one day it began to bulge up into my trackpad making it quite difficult to accomplish much. That battery was retired and then it was back to being tethered to the wall with the old battery. Now-a-days it looks like this; I'm just glad that it is bulging out instead of in. Long story short, I think it's time for a new Apple member to be added to Lynchland numero dos.



Today, nursery went really well, and I mean REALLY well—nonetheless we still were pooped from our late night at the Picketts'. Later today we carved these awesome pumpkins with Tyler's family (can you tell whose is whose?), but much of the day was spent in bed remedying our out-of-whack sleep schedules. The rest of the night (into the early morn) was spent making some paper flowers for an upcoming photo shoot at work—my husband is the best!



Last night we ended up staying up until 3 AM talking, laughing and watching odd-ending movies on Netflix (Mirror, Mirror). We slept way in, ate breakfast and then set out for the Manti Temple. We arrived late in the afternoon to eat in the cafeteria and attend an early evening live session. This temple is absolutely amazing; I love all the details in the pioneer temples. We hope to make it to all the LDS temples in Utah with the Picketts; two down, twelve to go (and two more after that once the Provo Tabernacle one is done as well as the one in Payson).



For the past three years (including this year) there has been a charity masquerade thrown in Lindon. The first year I went with my best friend, Sydney, last year I went with my fiancĂ© and the Picketts and this year I went as a married woman with the love of my life and the Picketts. We must be getting old; the DJ didn't play anything worth dancing to and we ended up ditching out before the final song. (It was so dark that the flash and the focus made for some silly faces).



This is my dear friend Ian Alvey from high school, middle school and elementary school (one year younger). It just so happens that he got married last week to this pretty little lady and we went to congratulate them tonight. Funny story as to why I said they wed last week and they are in their attire tonight: last Friday night I must have read the dates wrong because I had spent the evening getting ready and waiting for Tyler to get home from work so that we might attend their reception. Later, I asked Tyler to read their announcement to me as I wrote them a card (I like to stamp date the back of the card with their anniversary). He laughed and turned to me to say that they had gotten married on the 19th in the Idaho Falls Temple and the reception was that night in Idaho and the open house was tonight, the 25th, in Holladay.



Lines and Voids

This week is Design Week here in Salt Lake City. You see, I have a membership through a national design organization that has a chapter here in the big ol' capitol of Utah and this year is their second annual event. They've packed this week to the brim with seminars and workshops for one and all who dabble in a creative medium of their choice. Best part is, I get to actually attend this year and my work pays for it. We had a seminar this morning at the SLC Library (man, I could spend all day there) on the user experience and another one tonight at FFKR Architects on building a brand. Oh my goodness I am so fired up; the passion pit has been lit.



The Interwebs

There has been a running competition at work for decorating cubicles once a holiday hits. For Halloween, the marketing department has quite the streak and we aren't looking to lose that title this year. We have created a huge web canopy above our little island of desks which only reveals just how much free time we have on our hands. This is the view from my desk and it spans even further behind me. I wish you could see how intricate it is and just how many gigantic spiders we have strung throughout. After work, I went to a two-week over due weigh-in and I am now down 3.75 pounds for a total of 194.25 pounds in all!



Getting the Memo

Apparently, fall is here and has been in full bloom for quite some time. Somehow my feet and I didn't get the memo, for today I dressed as if spring were here to stay. I'll try again tomorrow, but now I need to go on my weekly Monday walk with my dear friend Stephanie.



Charlie Robert Rich

Today after church we made our way to my parents' house for this little guy's close-up. He was a joy to work with and we all think that he looks just like his older brother, Duncan. Speaking of little Duncan, he has gotten sicker and as much as I hate to say it, his octave-lowered voice due to sickness is probably the cutest thing ever. The night was topped off with some dinner with the family including my Grandma and Grandpa Bush and some much needed Nintendo with the boys.



Photogenic Family

Today we had plans to go to my parents' house to take some newborn photos of Charlie. Unfortunately, Sara called to say that tomorrow would probably work better for them (poor little Duncan was a tad sick last night and it sounds like he has gotten worse). In the evening we went with the Lynch family to pick out our very best photos from last week to be hung on the wall of the Lynchland home. We all laughed at how silly we looked in many of the pictures and these frame samples mesmerized me while the photos were payed for.



Late last night my sister and her family got in for a visit from California for a visit to her in-laws. They will be here the whole weekend, but will mostly be at the in-laws except to sleep at my parents' each night. We got to meet little Charlie and play some well deserved games with Duncan. Side note: Duncan kept calling the controller a 'container' and in this picture he is hilariously playing Nintendo with two containers.



I realize these are two people that you don't know, as you shouldn't. These are two of the highest up executives from my work and they have spent the whole week promoting our purses in the Big Apple to head honcho magazine editors. So why am I showing you this photo? Well through a series of events at work, my phone has been the designated phone for posting all of our fun photos to our company instagram. It's a lot of pressure, but I think it's fun. You should follow us @officialmiche



Today was much like Monday and Tuesday combined: photo shoot scouting and exercising with my lady friends. The scouting location today was Tracy Aviary up in Salt Lake City; I got so super lost (my ultimate frustration in life) and made about seven u-turns before getting there. I arrived to two frustrated co-workers forty-five minutes late with the mentality that this day should already be over. After work I went to Stephanie's house (again) for some Just Dance (3). We killed it and I know for a terrible fact that I am going to feel that one tomorrow.



Catalogue prep season is upon us again at work, so today was filled with driving around the valley trying to find the perfect backdrop for our spring line. One stop was at the greenhouse by the Larkin Cemetery; they had the most lush green foliage I have ever seen. This plant, by far, was my favorite because of how large and eye-catchy it was. After work I went to Stephanie's house for some Wii Zumba (I swear my brain has no communication with my hips). No weigh-in today, hence the cancelled plans leading to my after-work workout.



Fall is a comin' along and it was apparent today during my walk with Stephanie: the sky was as blue as can be and the leaves are all on the very verge of changing. We have recently made it a bit of a routine to go walking every Monday after work and catch up on our lives. Both of our usual Tuesday plans have fallen through, so tomorrow we will be doing some more of this, but in the meantime we are going to keep slimming down these shadows.



Last night after we arrived home from our busy Saturday, I had a tiny meltdown. You see, Tyler parks his car along a chain link fence outside our apartment (because he is so lovingly chivalrous and gives me the carport) and every time I get out of the car there is dog poo all along the fence. I can usually avoid it, but since it was so dark last night and I was carrying way too much while wearing heels, I stepped and slid in some doggie turds. It was a bit of a last straw since I was tired and hungry and now there was poo on my new heels, but Tyler is such a sweetie and a hilarious problem solver that he immediately went and did this before we went to bed. Our neighbors quite enjoyed it when they saw it today and I just had to get a picture of it because it is probably my favorite.



Our Saturday had just enough lazy in the morning for how busy it was for the remainder. We had family pictures, went to dinner and topped the night off at the Lynchland favorite: Desert Star. If you can recall, last weekend we went shopping for said family photo and might I say how dashing everyone looked in their purple/black/grey attire. Not to mention how awesome it was to get quite the stare down from all who saw us because we matched a little too well at our dinner and our show.



Tonight was the not-so-annual, but try-when-we-can cousin potluck. We had a great turn out and Tyler and I even brought a replica of our wedding cake to the event (made by the infamous Etna). The night was filled with laughing, dancing, smash-brothering and eating. Thank you to the Picketts, for hosting and another big thank you to all who made the effort to come. We really need to see each other more.



Today was ten eleven twelve. How cool is that? The coolest day of the year and we spent it working and then listening to a Kirby vacuum salesman. He stayed way too long and infringed on our dinner, all the while taking his sweet time putting away each piece of this miraculous vacuum. I'm such a sucker for door-to-door salesmen... Good thing I had my 'hard as a rock' husband to keep me from being swayed.



I wore this shirt today; it's made by the wonderful Vera Wang. I am terribly in love with the organically placed floral pattern and unexpected color palette. Being able to wear this blouse again has made me want more sweet patterns in my wardrobe and to secretly take up sewing.



Slowly but surely I have been plucking away at our five-page list of lucky postcard recipients. I've been watching episode after episode of 'Gossip Girl' during my thank you marathons (don't judge). I'm hoping to have these done by the end of the week… I'll keep you posted.

In other news it is my father's super awesome titanium birthday (that means his age is the same number as the year he was born; I made that up).

In other other news I lost 3.25 pounds and broke the 200 barrier. I am now .25 pounds away from being exactly 35 pounds lighter! BOOM BABY!



Today is the day… the day I am to take on the daunting task of writing, addressing and stamping all of our wedding thank you postcards. The only postcard stamps they had at the post office, online and the entire United States, for that matter, were these Hawaiian shirt stamps. How hilarious are these?



Aren't Grandma's lamps the best? So perfectly vintage and nostalgic, makes me want to run out and scour every summer-ending yard sale in the valley. It is Conference tradition to go to my Grandma and Grandpa Duncan's house for the second Sunday session of Conference. Nikki and Spencer were there along with my Dad and Aubrey. Conference was lovely, as usual, and the night was topped off with some lovely card gaming by the whole lot of us.



Have you ever attended a session of General Conference? I've never… well, at least in the new Conference Center. My Dad snatched up some tickets for this morning's session. We ended up not using all the tickets, but Tyler's younger brother, Jason was able to come with us. What a great session it was, yes? During the Priesthood session, the boys went to the stake center and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law ventured to Kohl's for some new threads for an upcoming family photo next week.



Tonight was a very long-awaited night of fun with our dear friend Bryan O'Daly. He came, we ate and then played some joyous card games. Have you ever heard of Food Fight? The illustrations are tremendous and there is the perfect balance of strategy and chance to make it a great night of fun (for these two more than me; I really stunk it up).



For the past ten months of marriage our checks have had just Tyler's name on them… now they have BOTH of our names! And, in keeping with good tradition, they are Pixar checks (the fourth check of the set was Nemo… not as photogenic)! Aren't they so cool?



Today is my favorite number, I'm wearing my favorite jacket and I'm loving this new necklace. Tonight I attempted to make cupcakes for a birthday party at work tomorrow. Let's just say they didn't turn out one bit like the blogger said they would. So now Tyler has 24 ho-hum pineapple cupcakes to eat. Unfortunately, it was so late at night when the soupy frosting made it into the trash can all too quickly that it wasn't even worth running to the grocery store to save them.



Snowflakes or garland? I spent the majority of work today designing Christmas cards and gift tags and holiday invitations. Working in a fashion company is sometimes a crazy fast forward world, I mean Christmas in October? After work I went in for my weigh-in and only lost a measly .75 pounds. Oh weight-loss, you have become such an uphill battle as of late. *raspberry*



Eeek! My Dad sent me this email tonight from my brother-in-law and it completely made me giddy for joy. How lovely is it that my sister has gone into labor and had her baby on this fine first day of October. My sister Sara, her husband Bob and their little two-year-old Duncan inherited a brand new addition to the Rich clan. Charles Robert Rich was born at 10:30 PM at 7 pounds 7 ounces. What an adorable nephew! He looks just like his older brother and I cannot wait to meet him in person.