

We finally sent the book off today to the printer. Before sending it off we did some test sheets on our printer just to make sure the backgrounds weren't too dark or too light (the one stipulation was that you can only print black and white on the inside pages, so we got pretty creative when it came to those category backgrounds). It was the only website I could find where you could pick how many pages you wanted instead of them giving you a set limit. There were some spots of miscommunication between the website and I when it came to how the end product would turn out, mainly with the way the page layouts would print and the quality of the cover, but all in all we got it off. We cannot wait to give it to Aubrey and Jordan for their wedding. It really has been a labor of love and we hope everyone likes it.


  1. I think I need a copy of that book! Definitely a labor of love! I hope they appreciate it.

  2. YOU GUYS DID AWESOME. I love this book so much and thinking about how much time you guys put into it makes me think that present should have been just from you guys. But then again, that's just the kind of people you are. I am so impressed with how giving you two are of yourselves. You guys are awesome.
